Episode 09: Applied Math at Columbia | Physics & CS Researcher

In Episode 9, Caroline is joined by William Zheng, a Columbia senior majoring in Applied Math and concentrating in CS. Will is the President of Columbia's Society for Industrial and Applied Mathematics (SIAM) and shares advice for students interested in exploring the field. Aside from being super smart at math, Will has experience as a TA for Machine Learning, a tech intern, a tour guide at the National Museum of Mathematics (MoMath) in NYC, and a physics and CS researcher. After graduating this spring, Will plans to pursue his Master's in CS at Columbia (since he's basically fulfilled half the credits needed for this degree!). Tune in to learn about the different opportunities Applied Math offers! William adds that his best experience was the physics lab. In his own words, he "Loves it with a capital L.”


Episode 10: Boston University 7-Year Medical Program


Episode 08: Columbia Varsity Track & Field Captain | Middle Eastern Studies